
Passing laws with information on clear distance and prohibitive situations

Passing on a two-lane road, meeting traffic

Drivers of vehicles proceeding in the opposite direction shall pass each other on the right and each driver shall give to the other at least one-half of the main-traveled portion of the roadway, as nearly as possible.

Observe the oncoming vehicle. Is it traveling on or near the centerline? You might want to slow down by removing your foot off the gas and covering the brake pedal. Move to your right, if the vehicle is close or crossing the centerline. You may check the condition of the shoulder if you need a way out. Be very careful at night. And the later at night it becomes, the more important it becomes to watch the oncoming traffic, be aware that the driver may be sleepy or has been using drugs.

Passing in the same direction on a two-lane road:

First, make sure you are in a passing zone, no solid yellow lines on your side of the centerline. Check for oncoming traffic that can interfere with you completing your pass. Can you tell how fast the vehicle is approaching? Are there other vehicles ahead of the vehicle you are passing? Before starting your pass, look for vehicles that may be entering the highway from a side road, either to travel in the lane in which you are passing or attempting to enter the highway to travel in the lane in which you will be returning to when you complete your pass. Check for vehicles that may be following you or even in the process of passing you. Stay a safe distance behind the vehicle you want to pass. The closer you get to the vehicle the less you can see ahead. This is especially true when passing large vehicles. Before you start to pass, signal the drivers behind you by using your turn signal. Signal the driver ahead of you that you are going to pass by an audible signal, blowing your horn, not blasting your horn, in the day time. Once you have made your pass do not return to the right side of the roadway until it is safe and you are clear of the vehicle you have passed. The pass must be completed before coming within 200 feet of any approaching vehicle. Once again before you move back into your lane, signal your intention to return to that lane.

Passing on the right.

You may pass on the right, if the vehicle is making a left turn or about to make a left turn. You may pass on the right if the roadway has an unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles and is of sufficient width for two or more lanes of moving traffic in each direction. You may pass on the right if you are on a one-way street with two or more lanes. In passing on the right you must do so only under conditions permitting such movement and in no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main travel portion of the roadway.

When You May Not Pass

You may not pass on a two-lane road with traffic moving in the opposite directions under certain conditions.

  1. When you see a "Do not Pass" or "No Passing Zone" sign.
  2. When a solid yellow line is painted on your side of the centerline.
  3. When approaching the crest of a hill or a curve in the highway where the driver's view is obstructed within such a distance as to create a hazard. This is due to the possibility that another vehicle may be approaching from the opposite direction.
  4. When approaching within 100 feet of or traversing any marked intersection.
  5. When approaching within 100 feet of or traversing any railroad grade crossing.
  6. When the view is obstructed upon approaching within 100 feet of any bridge, viaduct or tunnel.

Being Passed

Stay at your same speed; do not speed up or slow down. Help the other driver pass you safely. Move to the right side of your lane to give them more room and a better view of the road ahead. At night put on your low beam headlights.

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