
Dealing with stress

Stress is the reaction of our bodies and minds to anything that upsets the regular balance. Stress can occur when bad things, as well as good things occur. External events and situations that are painful typically cause stress which leaves you feeling out of control. Pushing your body too hard at work or at play will soon deplete your body of the energy it needs to restore itself and results in you becoming stressed. Often people feel the effects of emotional disorders such as anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Aggressive driving by yourself or others can lead to stress. Eliminating stress from your life is impossible; however, implementing some stress management techniques can subdue some of its harmful effects. There are many ways to keep all the negative effects of different stresses to a minimum, including:

  • Take time for you to relax each day.
  • Learn to "let go" of things that are outside your control.
  • Learn to adapt to changes.
  • Learn to take action when you can make a difference.
  • Give your time to something or someone you believe in.

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